MHS Marching Band
About the Ensemble

What is the Mukwonago High School Marching Band?
Our Marching Band is a competitive performing ensemble and is a part of the MHS band program. Students enrolled full time in the Mukwonago Area School District (or through Course Options) can participate in the marching band - there is no audition process.
Marching Band is a graded class - students receive 0.5 credits. As a graded class, attendance is mandatory for participants.
The class meets during summer school or during evenings for rehearsals, and on weekends for performances. This class does NOT meet during the normal 7:30am-2:45pm school day.
Bus transportation is available for the "Summer Adventures" weeks of Summer School. More info can be found on the Schedule/Calendar page.
For a complete schedule, visit our Schedule/Calendar page.
Participation Requirements
Open to students currently enrolled in grades 7-11 (or rather, students who will be in grades 8-12 during the fall competitive season. Students in younger grades are encouraged to participate right away (you don't need to "wait until you are older")! Playing over the summer is a fantastic way for younger students to greatly improve their musicianship and set them up for success in the following school year. Additionally, students who typically join later as an upper-classman frequently express regret in not having joined sooner, missing out on those early years.​
Each section has its own additional participation requirements:
Hornline (brass/woodwinds) - students be enrolled in a concert band or orchestra for the upcoming school year or be a future music education major.
Percussion (battery/front ensemble) - students must be enrolled in a concert band, percussion class, or orchestra for the upcoming school year or be a future music education major. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the director.
Colorguard - no additional requirements; any student in the required grade range may participate in colorguard without any prior experience.
Meet the Ensemble ​
Our band is made up of several different sections. More information about each can be found below.
Hornline (Woodwinds & Brass)
Like a concert band, the "Hornline" is divided in Woodwind and Brass instruments. However, certain wind instruments do not hold up well in an outdoor marching setting (such as Oboe and Bassoon) - for these students, we are happy to provide some recommendations for which section to join. We have had many students learn a new instrument for marching band if they do not currently play an instrument that is used in the ensemble.
Woodwinds: Piccolos, Flutes, Alto/Tenor Saxes
Brass: Trumpets, Mellophones (marching French Horns), Trombones, Marching Baritones, and Sousaphones (marching Tubas)
Marching-specific instruments are rented to students through the school. All other instruments are student-provided. Exceptions may apply - please contact Mrs. Angoli if needed.

Colorguard Section ("Guard")
The Colorguard is the primary visual component to the program. This section helps "tell the story" utilizing Dance as well as spinning and tossing a variety of other implements including Flags, Rifles, and Sabers. No previous experience is necessary.
Flags, Rifles, and other equipment provided by the school. Students will be placed on equipment by instructors. Uniforms are show-specific and tailored to individual students. There is an additional cost associated with this section; students keep their uniform at the conclusion of the season.
Percussion Section ("Drumline")
In marching band, percussion is divided into two sections: Battery (marching percussion) and Front Ensemble (stationary percussion).​
Students in the percussion section are assigned by their instructors to their instrument/subsection via placement audition. Students with physical limitations that may prevent them from marching (i.e. foot injuries) are placed by default into the Front Ensemble, where they can often play while seated. The Front Ensemble is also a good landing spot for students with a piano background, as the keyboard percussion instruments have the same layout as piano keys.
All students will be placed on instruments by their instructors. Inexperienced students will not be placed into the battery. For students looking to get on specific percussion instruments, it is recommended that they participate in our winter drumline, Blue2 Indoor, and/or take private lessons.
Battery: Snares, Tenors, Bass Drum
Front Ensemble: Marimbas, Vibraphones, Xylophone, Bells, Synthesizer/Electric Piano, Rack Percussion (an assortment of concert instruments such as bass drum, cymbals, & tom-toms), Drumset, & more.
All sticks/mallets are provided, but students need to own an instructor-approved 12" practice pad (such as a Salyers 12” Double-Sided, Vic Firth Slim Pad, or Offworld Invader).

Drum Major positions
Drum Major is a unique position in the Marching Band. Because of the “high visibility” of this section, these students are considered representatives for the band, our school, and our community. Drum Major applicants should demonstrate excellent character, strong musicianship, and a desire to lead through service to others.
Students must apply to be Drum Major. Any student(s) selected for this position will be expected to attend additional rehearsals (to be scheduled) prior to the start of our official season.
Interested candidates should apply by April 12th, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted.
How do I register my student for Marching Band?
What fees are associated with participation in Marching Band?
A breakdown of student fees can be found here: Student Fees
Where can I find more information about the Marching Band?
The presentation below includes most of the information you will need to know about the program. However, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have - please contact Ms. Angoli by email (angolem@masd.k12.wi.us) if you need any additional clarification.
Google Slides Presentation
(all important links are on final slide)
Attendance Expectations​
This is a class - attendance is required at all rehearsals/performances.
Conflict Policy
Students must complete the Conflict Section of the registration form.
Please see below for examples of approved and unapproved conflicts
The below list provides EXAMPLES and is not meant to be an exhaustive list. If you are unsure if a conflict meets the approval guidelines, please contact Mrs. Angoli ASAP.
Approved Conflict Examples
Injury - Doctor’s Note is required (if unable to get a Doctor’s Note by rehearsal, please email Mrs. Angoli).
If a student is able to attend rehearsal, but needs to “sit out” parts of it due to an injury, please send a Doctor’s Note so that we are able to support their needs.
Illness, family emergencies or other unforeseeable conflicts: Parents, please email Mrs. Angoli as soon as is reasonable.
Tentatively Approved Conflict Examples - requires pre-registration approval by Mrs. Angoli
Family Summer Vacation
Summer Band Camp or similar camp (ie. Scouts)
Additional MHS Athletics/Activities ie. Cross Country, Soccer, Dance
Unapproved Conflicts/Unexcused Conflict Examples
ANY OTHER CONFLICT that was not communicated in the registration form
​Failure to meet these expectations will negatively impact a student’s grade and/or affect their eligibility to perform in an upcoming show/competition.
Rehearsal Expectations​
Students are expected to arrive prior to the start of rehearsal and stay after for set-up/clean-up and moving gear.
Example: Rehearsal ends at 8:30 pm. Clean up begins at this time.
Rehearsal Materials
Music (in 3-ring binder)
Dotbook with Lanyard or Fanny Pack
Instrument/Flag, or any other gear taken home to practice between rehearsals
Water (½ gallon or larger) and HEALTHY snack (no soda, candy, cookies, etc.)
Percussion Only: Full-Sized Practice Pad (required for ALL percussionists, including Front Ensemble!)
Rehearsal Clothing
- Athletic/Running Shoes - NO Basketball Shoes, Chucks, Sandals, Skate Shoes, Crocs or Barefeet. This rule applies to all sections.
​Comfortable, Athletic Clothing including a Hat - NO Jeans, Cargo Shorts
Failure to meet these expectations will negatively impact a student’s grade and/or affect their eligibility to perform in an upcoming show/competition.
Fitness Expectations​
All students will be expected to participate in basic physical training. The purpose of this training is to build the necessary physical skills to be a successful competitive marching band.
​ -
P/T Includes:
Breathing Block - increases lung capacity and aerobic endurance
Stretching Block - increases flexibility and prevents injury
Jogging/Running - increases aerobic endurance
Push Ups/Sit Ups - increases strength to maintain posture and instrument carriage
Other similar exercises
Students in the hornline, battery or colorguard must be able and willing to participate in P/T.
Students who may need exceptions to this should contact Mrs. Angoli prior to registering.
Communication Expectations​
The Band App will be our primary form of communication.
ALL parents and students need to sign up for the BAND App - see below for link/QR Code to sign up.
Please use your first and last name when signing up for the BAND App.
Do NOT use the BAND App for questions unrelated to Marching Band.
Contact Mrs. Angoli directly with questions (angolem@masd.k12.wi.us).
Check out MHS Bands on Facebook, Instagram and on our website (https://www.mukwonagobands.org/mb)
BAND App QR Code​​

-OR - BAND App Sign-Up Link​​
Commitment Expectations​
This is a team activity. However, unlike many sports, there is no bench. Everyone contributes to the musical and visual program. Absences make rehearsal less productive (missing notes, guide points missing in drill, partner work can’t be done).
Parents - Please do not let your students quit once they have committed to the ensemble. If a student cannot commit to the whole season, then this ensemble is not for them. More often than not, students who “stick it out” end up falling in love with the activity by the end of the season.
We strongly discourage students from quitting mid-season. This is an activity of delayed gratification - months of work are put in prior to the first performance. Any student who quits, leaves the other students in a tough position since drill will need to be re-written, musical adjustments will be made, and (in the event of partner work) another student may need to be left out of a segment. In short, it sets the group back and is very frustrating for the dedicated, remaining members. However, if a student decides to drop out of the MHS Marching Band, a request must be made in writing via an email to Mrs. Angoli no later than May 12th, 2023.
No refunds will be issued at any time due to the consumable nature of materials purchased.
If a written request to drop the class is received on or after May 12th, 2023, the student will receive an ‘F’ in the class.