MHS Marching Band
Field of Flags Fundraiser

Show Your Patriotism &
Support the Mukwonago Band Program!​
We are no longer accepting orders for the summer of 2024.
Keep an eye out for next year's event; we will begin taking orders in late Spring 2025!
What is the "Field of Flags"?​
On each of four of the summer American holidays, the Mukwonago Band students and staff will display hundreds of American flags along the grassy field located on E. Veterans Way near the Mukwonago Area School District Office. In 2021, we had over 140 flags sponsored. In 2022, we had over 200 flags proudly flying over Veterans Way. 2024 is our biggest year yet, with 217 flags flying on Memorial Day!
The Field of Flags display is erected on Memorial Day, Flag Day, the 4th of July, and Labor Day. Each of the flags is 3ft by 5ft and flown on a 7 1/2 ft white pole that is internally anchored into the ground with rebar. Attached to each pole is a tag that includes the flag's number, the name of the supporter who sponsored it, and a custom dedication to a serviceperson or other hero who has served our country.
Promo Video
Despite our best efforts to promote the event, we realize that some patrons do not find out about the event until Memorial Day or later. For that reason, we do offer the opportunity to jump in and sponsor a flag for the 4th of July & Labor Day for just $30. This sale will begins on Memorial Day.
Please tell all your neighbors to join this great patriotic event. The more families that participate, the more dramatic the effect will be on these important American holidays!
How to Sponsor a Flag
Use the red button to order your flag from the MHS BookTix Website
use the blue button to print off a paper form and mail it to the address below.
Order Online (BookTix)
2024 sales have ended.
Mail a Paper Order Form
2024 sales have ended.
The " MHS FIELD OF FLAGS - FLAG SPONSORSHIP" option is at the bottom of the page.
Customize Your Flag's Tag*
By default, all online orders will use the name from your BookTix account as the flag's sponsor and will include the message
"In honor of all the men & women who have served our country."
If you would like to customize how the name or the dedication appears on your flag's tag, please use the button below to access a short Google Form that will allow you to customize those elements. This is a completely optional step.
* - this only applies to online orders. The customization info is already included on the print & mail forms.
Please include a check
made out to 'MHS Bands'
along with the order form.​
Mailing Address
Mukwonago High School
MHS Bands Flag Program
Attn: Emma Angoli
605 W Veterans Way
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Visiting the "Field of Flags"
Within a day or two of receiving your order, your name and dedication (along with your flag number) will appear in the table below. We encourage you to visit your flag on Memorial Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day. The flags will be up by 8am and taken down around 7pm on each holiday. The flags will be displayed in numerical order to make it more convenient for you to find the flag you sponsored. If so feel inclined, please spread the word and share this event with your neighbors, family, and friends. The more participants we have, the more impactful the display will be. Thank you for your support!
2024 Field of Flags Sponsors
All information in the table below will also appear on each flag's tag.