Band begins in 5th grade for students in the Mukwonago Area School District. Prior to their first class in the fall of their 5th grade year, students take part in two major band milestones: 4th Grade Instrument Fitting and the 5th Grade Summer "Jump Start" Beginning Band program.
The concert band is the core of the elementary program and from the first day of school students rehearse and perform as members of this ensemble. Here, students develop their communication skills; listening to others, watching the conductor, and performing their part in the context of a greater whole. They are part of a team and learn how to be responsible and reliable members.
Further development of the student musician is accomplished through one-on-one and/or small group lessons. Students work with their director to refine and expand their technical and musical abilities.
The band is an integral part of each elementary community and students are proud to be leaders in the creation of their school culture and the development of school-wide spirit through their numerous performances each year. These performances include:: Pep Band, Holiday Caroling, and performing “Taps” at Veterans Day ceremonies.
Ready to join the band?